About Laminectomy Surgery

Laminectomy is a surgical procedure of the spine that is performed to remove the lamina which covers the spinal canal and is the back part of the vertebra. This surgical procedure is commonly known as decompression and is usually an operation that is done on patients who suffer from severe spinal disorders like spinal stenosis or herniated disc.SpinePainHouston

Surgery whether it is laminectomy or some other procedure is a big decision, specifically when it involves spine. This is why laminectomy is only preferred by doctors when other non-surgical treatment programs like physical therapy and medication fail to provide any relief to the back pain or spine pain that the patient suffers from and his symptoms start getting worse.

Spinal Disorders that Cause Laminectomy Surgery

Decompression or laminectomy relieves the pressure on the spinal nerves or spinal cord as this procedure enlarges the spinal canal. The cause of pressure on the spinal cord or nerve is usually a disorder like spinal stenosis (bony growth within the spinal canal) or herniated disc. This operative procedure is most commonly advised for vertebrae in the neck and lower back region of the spine.

As mentioned above laminectomy is always preferred as the last treatment option by doctors when conservative treatment fails to improve the condition of the patient. In certain cases, laminectomy is also used as a part of surgery that is performed for the treatment of herniated disc, where the back surgeon in order to gain access to the damaged spinal disc remove part of the lamina.

Laminectomy Surgery – Benefits, risks and recovery

As it is with any other surgical procedure, laminectomy also comes with its own possible set of risks.

The potential risks of laminectomy include:

  • Blood clots
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Spinal fluid leak
  • Nerve Injury

The benefits of laminectomy are:

  • Relief from pain
  • Returning to normal activities and life without the uncomfortable symptoms


Patients are usually allowed to go home the same day of the surgery, however in certain cases the patient may be kept under observation for a few days. The surgeon will prescribe medications to deal with post-operative pain and also advice a physical therapy program to improve flexibility and strength. He may also prohibit physical activities like bending, stooping or lifting for the first few weeks of the surgery.

Laminectomy is a big and serious decision that requires the best doctors in the field of surgery.

Let us help you make the right decision for your spine by filling the form given above or by giving us a call at (888) 779-8716 today.

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