About Spinal Stenosis

Spinal StenosisSpinal stenosis is a common spinal disorder where the spinal canal or the open spaces within the spine are narrowed. The narrowing of the spinal canal compresses or impinges the spinal cord or nerves that travel through spinal column that in turn causes back pain or spinal pain. This spinal disorder is usually found in the lower and the neck region of the back. Spinal stenosis in the thoracic area of the spine is a rare condition.

Spinal stenosis is a spinal disorder that is usually associated with age (most people suffering from it have passed the age of 50) and it commonly occurs due to the regular wear and tear as well as aging of the spinal column. Although, doctors prefer to treat patients suffering from spinal stenosis with the help of non-surgical treatment options, in certain cases they may recommend surgery to create space for the spinal cord and nerves to heal properly.

Symptoms for Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis does not have glaringly obvious symptoms. People may show evidence of this condition on X-rays. Some common symptoms of spinal stenosis are:

  • Numbness, tingling and weakness in the leg, foot or arm
  • Feeling of pain and cramping in the legs when the patient walks or stands for long periods of time
  • The feeling of discomfort gets better when the patient bends or sits down
  • In severe cases of spinal stenosis the patient may lose control on bowel and bladder movements


  • Bone spurs or overgrowth of bone
  • Spinal disc herniation
  • Ligament thickening
  • Tumors
  • Spinal Injuries or trauma

Surgical treatment for Spinal Stenosis

Spine surgery for spinal stenosis is only considered when non-surgical treatment fail to improve the condition of the patient.

Surgical spinal treatment when considered mainly has two procedures namely:

  • Laminectomy – The procedure involves the removal of lamina in the affected vertebra so that there is more room within the spinal canal
  • Microdecompression – A minimally invasive procedure in which small portion of the bone located over the nerve root or disc material under the nerve root is removed.

Surgery for spinal stenosis is a big decision that needs the expert handing and guidance of the best health care professionals in the field of spinal surgery.

Let us help you make the right decision for your spine by filling the form given above or by giving us a call at (888) 779-8716 today.

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